共 4 条词语
道不拾遗无人捡取路上失物。形容刑法严峻无人敢犯法。也形容民风廉直社会安宁。例为长陵令道不拾遗。——《汉书何并传》英no one pockets anything found on the road; no one would keep lost articles found by the roadside;[查看详情]
乐善好施谓乐于行善喜好施舍。例使人乐善好施恭孝以修仁则心和而神全也。——宋张君房《云笈七签》英samaritanism; love to do philanthropic work;[查看详情]
劫富济贫旧指一些有正义感的强盗劫取富家的财物分发给贫苦人。英rob the wealthy to aid the needy;[查看详情]
扶危济困帮助生活或处境困难的人。例你我是行侠仗义理宜扶危济困,翦恶除奸。——《三侠五义》英help the people in trouble; help those in distress and lend support to those in danger or in need;[查看详情]